Friday, December 14, 2012

Cancer Blog

Breast Cancer: Tiffany Chiu

From Tiffany's breast cancer brochure I learned what breast cancer really is, the symptoms, preventions, treatments, and the stages of breast cancer. Statistically about one in 8 United States women will have breast cancer. Breast cancer starts at the tissues of the breast. It is a mutation of the genes that regulate cell growth. There are two types of breast cancer: carcinoma and lobular carcinoma. Ductal carcinoma starts in the tubes that move milk from the breast to the nipple. A majority of breast cancers are this type. Lobular carcinoma starts in the parts of the breast that produce milk. Some causes or risks of getting breast cancer include: age and gender, family history, genes, and menstrual cycle. Early breast cancer usually does not cause symptoms. This is why regular breast exams are important. However, as the cancer grows, there may be signs of a breast lump in the armpit that is hard, a change in size and shape of the breast or nipple, and there may also be fluid coming from the nipple. Breast cancer does not just involved women, men can get breast cancer as well

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