Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Endocrine Disruptor


Dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT) is a persistant organic pollutant that is extremely hydrophobic and and strongly absorbed by soil. It was first used as a pesticide against Colorado potato beetles on crops beginning in 1936. In terms of it being applied in aquatics, it is quickly absorbed by soil or evaporates. DDT can also be dissolved in water and is toxic to a wide range of animals, such as marine animals like crayfish, prawns, and other species of fish; they can also affect insects. In the case of mammals, the effects of DDT appear to be less toxic. Studies have shown that DDT has been linked to diabetes, neurological problems, cancer, and decreased fertility in males. One widely known problem that has been linked to DDT is the effect that the pollutant had on birds. Because of DDT, it has caused a decline in the population of the bald eagle, brown pelican, and other birds. What DDT did was that it caused the egg shells of the bird to become soft. This later caused the births of certain birds who were affected by DDT to decline. At the beginning of the 1970s, DDT was banned in most industrialized countries. Although it has been banned in use, DDT still remains in the soil and water.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Dead Men Response 1
I find it interesting how Maples can view death through the perspective of forensic anthropology.

Cancer Blog

Breast Cancer: Tiffany Chiu

From Tiffany's breast cancer brochure I learned what breast cancer really is, the symptoms, preventions, treatments, and the stages of breast cancer. Statistically about one in 8 United States women will have breast cancer. Breast cancer starts at the tissues of the breast. It is a mutation of the genes that regulate cell growth. There are two types of breast cancer: carcinoma and lobular carcinoma. Ductal carcinoma starts in the tubes that move milk from the breast to the nipple. A majority of breast cancers are this type. Lobular carcinoma starts in the parts of the breast that produce milk. Some causes or risks of getting breast cancer include: age and gender, family history, genes, and menstrual cycle. Early breast cancer usually does not cause symptoms. This is why regular breast exams are important. However, as the cancer grows, there may be signs of a breast lump in the armpit that is hard, a change in size and shape of the breast or nipple, and there may also be fluid coming from the nipple. Breast cancer does not just involved women, men can get breast cancer as well

Cell Poem


Chapter 1-2 Henrietta Lacks

Literature Circles Chap 1-2: Quote Master

  1. “’I got a knot on my womb,’ she told the receptionist.” (13)
-         This is important because it shows her worry that something is wrong and that she actually feels symptoms for something that she has been ignoring for quite some time. This was the first time she took initiative and went to see a doctor about.

  1. “This was the era of Jim Crow- when black people showed up at white-only hospitals” (15)
-         This quote shows the era that Henrietta came from and the time period, it gives a glimpse of how the story will be during that time because we are able to infer based on that era of how African Americans were treated.

  1. “It was no surprise that she hadn’t come back all those times for follow-up.” (16)
-         This shows Henrietta’s way of showing how she does not worry about her health. There are plenty of things that she needed a checkup on but she declined, but it also shows how she could possibly be hesitant towards medical things because she is not that educated and does not know what they are talking about.

  1. “No one knows how she became Henrietta.” (18)
-         This could signify the identity of Henrietta because nobody knows how she adopted the name Henrietta when her real name is Loretta.

  1. “At the age of 21, Henrietta stared through the train window…for the first time, heading toward a new life.” (26)
-         Judging from her age, Henrietta probably sought away from her family at a very early age and because of this it shows a different aspect of her life. One that later relates to how she is now, especially what is happening to her regarding cancer.

Henrietta Lacks Chapter 3-6 Posting

Discussion Master: Chapter 3-6

1. Describe the two types of cervical carcinomas.

2. Why didn’t the doctor inform Henrietta that they were going to take a tissue sample of her tumor?

3. Why didn't the doctors tell Henrietta that she would be infertile after the operation?

4. What made Henrietta's husband so reluctant to give out information on her cells?

5. Do you think it was fair for the doctors to use Henrietta as a tester without fully disclosing all information to her?

6. Why do you think Henrietta didn't have any side affects like most patients did in the beginning of the treatment process?

7. What kind of treatment was she to get?

8. How safe is the way they performed their radiation treatment?

9. What made Henrietta's skin look charred and burned?

10. What qualities did radium possess?

11. What was happening to Henrietta’s cells?

12. Why do you think Henrietta kept her cancer a secret?

13. What was so special about Deborah’s stories?

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

What I Know

Ever since I have been in this class, my view on the body has been very different. When people move, I think of ways on how we classify the movements. I really enjoyed the movement lab because through that, I was able to my knowledge of movements and apply them. At first, I was really slow with all the planes and the directional movements, but I can now name most of the movements with confidence because of the lab. Some of the things that we are covering in the class is a review from my previous classes. We are now covering landmarks of the bones, I remember the bone names, but I am having difficulty remembering the landmarks of the bones because there is so many to remember! That is the only problem that I have so far.